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Canine Ventures provides a variety of services which can all be adapted to suit you and your dog's individual needs.  If there is not a service that suits your dog then please do not hesitate to get in touch by phone or email. We are more than willing to do anything we can to help you care for your dog whilst your out or away.

dog walker near liskeard cornwall, dog sitter and day care for dogs

dog walker near liskeard cornwall, dog sitter and day care for dogs
 Dog Walking 


Your dog can join our group walks or have a one on one walk. Your dog can socialise and play with other dogs or have my undivided attention.


Group walks and individual walks are carefully selected and divided up so the walk can be set at your dog’s own pace. So energetic dogs get their energy burnt off whilst elderly dogs can stroll along slowly.


We walk in a variety of different locations keeping the walks fun and interesting for your dog.


 Home Visits 


If your dog would rather stay at home then home visits may be more suitable. We can call in and let your dog out. Play in the garden or go for a short walk.


This is more suitable for puppies who can't go out yet, sick or elderly dogs.


We can visit once or twice a day depending on your dogs requirements.


We also provide an emergency pop in services.



 Feeding, watering and towelling down is included 


For all of the walks detailed and services above we are always happy to feed, water, dispense medicine, and towel down your dog at the end of every walk if you wish. Most owners prefer their dogs not to bring evidence of their walk into their home so towelling down is a given. We provide the towels so you don't have to worry about dealing with a wet and muddy towel either.


Call: 07837711280

Fully insured


Services provided between

 08:00 - 17:00

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